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Harmony between history and innovation

A suzusan item that conveys the depth and politeness of its craftsmanship when touched. Introducing this time is Arimatsu Shibori Cashmere Shawl Mottled Shibori, which uses 100% high quality cashmere. It has a pleasant lightness and suppleness, but it also has a gentle warmth and is useful in long seasons. It is a shawl that has a history of incorporating the traditional Japanese craft "Arimatsu Narumi Shibori", but is born in harmony between tradition and modern times by incorporating cashmere, a material that was not used in the iris. It's moderately thick, easy to put on, and has a volume that's easy to wrap around your neck, so it's easy to use and is recommended as a gift.

Mottled squeezing is a technique in which a piece of fabric is rolled up while wrinkling, and then strongly and evenly raised with thread to dye it. The same pattern is a standard pattern of suzusan that cannot be expressed.

The charm of Arimatsu Shibori

Arimatsu Narumi Shibori is a general term for cotton squeezers made in the Arimatsu-cho and Narumi-cho areas of Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, and is one of the traditional Japanese crafts that has continued since the Edo period. You can draw various patterns with the technique of squeezing the cloth and dyeing it. Because of its light and cool feel, it is mainly used as a yukata area, and the Arimatsu-cho and Narumi-cho areas are considered to be the number one tie-dye producing areas in Japan. In 1975, it was designated as a national traditional craft under the name of "Arimatsu Narumi Shibori", and it is recognized as "SHIBORI" in the world and is highly evaluated.

The items of suzusan incorporate such Arimatsu Shibori squeezing to create items that are useful and familiar to the lives of users all over the world while feeling the history of Japan. The products are manufactured in-house, and each dyeing is done by hand by craftsmen, so it takes time and effort, but the careful manufacturing gives the user a feeling of valuing things. It will change into something that you will love. In addition, each dyeing of the squeeze has a different color appearance, so what you pick up becomes more attractive as a single item. In addition to high-quality organic cotton, ramie, and silk, the fabric material is a combination of squeezing techniques, including cashmere and alpaca, which were not originally used for squeezing.

Traditional crafts that have continued for more than 400 years will continue to the world

The fifth generation of Suzusan Shoten, whose family business was "Kageshi", a work that corresponds to the design of Arimatsu Narumi Shibori, which has continued since the Edo period, has a studio in Arimatsu, Aichi Prefecture, and was launched in 2008 in Dusseldorf, Germany. suzusan. The number of craftsmen who used to be 10,000 has dropped sharply to less than 200, and when Arimatsu Shibori Shibori, which was in danger of surviving, was moved away from Japan, what has been run as a family business is seen worldwide. Realizing that it was a rare technique, we started aiming for a product that allows you to enjoy the beauty of traditional dyeing and squeezing, which is not bound by the traditional yukata, in order to take root as a lasting value. bottom.

Aiming for something that anyone who picks up a product can use for a long time "Timeless that does not become a trend" "Borderless regardless of country or region" "Genderless that eliminates the difference between men and women" "Categoryless that goes beyond fashion and interior" " We create designs from the six principles of "occasion-less, regardless of time and place" and "generation-less, regardless of age." Instead of selling the history of Japan as it is, we are trying to convey Japanese traditional crafts to the world while devising ways to live in the lives of consumers. The fact that we are making things that are close to the user while feeling the history, and the careful manufacturing attitude that we make one by one by hand have received high praise in the world, and now we are collaborating with brands around the world and providing fabrics. I am doing.

In order to pass on the Arimatsu Shibori squeezing that has continued for more than 400 years to the world, suzusan is working on making various products while fusing tradition and modernity, and is particular about not only design but also materials. Every item you pick up conveys the depth of manufacturing. Its high quality is recommended as a special gift, and please choose it as a gift for superiors who tend to be confused about what to do.

有松絞りカシミヤショール まだら絞り(ECRU/WHITE)


  • 有松絞りカシミヤショール まだら絞り(ECRU/WHITE)
  • 有松絞りカシミヤショール まだら絞り(SILVER GREY/WHITE)
  • 有松絞りカシミヤショール まだら絞り(ECRU/WHITE)
  • 有松絞りカシミヤショール まだら絞り(SILVER GREY/WHITE)
  • モデル身長162cm・SILVER GREY/WHITE
  • 有松絞りカシミヤショール まだら絞り(ECRU/WHITE)
  • モデル身長162cm・SILVER GREY/WHITE
  • 着用イメージ (モデル身長162cm・ECRU/WHITE)
  • 上質なカシミヤを使用し軽くて気持ちの良いしなやかさがあります(ECRU/WHITE)
  • モデル身長162cm・SILVER GREY/WHITE
  • 一枚の生地をシワを寄せながら丸め込み、糸で強く均等にくくり上げて染める技法のまだら絞り(SILVER GREY/WHITE)
  • タグ(ECRU/WHITE)
  • 着用イメージ(モデル身長162cm・ECRU/WHITE)
  • モデル身長162cm・SILVER GREY/WHITE
Size Width: 70cm
Height: 196cm
Weight 72g
Material 100% cashmere
Country of origin Japan
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

Feature of product

  • -A shawl that incorporates the traditional Japanese craft "Arimatsu Narumi Shibori".
    -It is light and has a pleasant suppleness.
    -It is thin and can be used for a long season.


  • -Due to the characteristics of squeeze dyeing, each pattern and color appearance is different. Thank you for your understanding as one of the attractions.
    -Color may fade or stain (transfer) if it gets wet, sweats, or is strongly rubbed.
    -We use delicate materials. Please be careful not to bring the thread with accessories or bags.


  • 世界に誇るsuzusanの手仕事、有松鳴海絞りのショールをまとって。




While incorporating the traditional Japanese craft "Arimatsu Narumi Shibori" that has been around since the Edo period, suzusan carefully manufactures products so that they can live in people's lives. The 5th generation of Suzusan Shoten has a workshop in Arimatsu, Aichi Prefecture, and is a brand launched in 2008 in Dusseldorf, Germany. Realizing that what has been run as a family business was a rare technique in the world, in order to take root as a lasting value, traditional dyeing that is not bound by the traditional yukata form We started aiming for a product that allows you to enjoy the beauty of the aperture. Aiming for something that anyone who picks up a product can use for a long time, we do not sell the history of Japan as it is, but convey Japanese traditional crafts to the world while making ingenuity. The point of making things that are close to the user and the attitude of careful manufacturing that is made one by one by hand are highly evaluated in the world.

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