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Wear freely

A unique and free Kopka neck and headband that allows the user to freely change the way they wear it. A convenient winter accessory that can be used as a neck warmer, headband, or earmuffs. The felt fabric is made of 100% wool and has a gentle texture. increase.

Also, in the winter, when you go indoors, it's hot and you often sweat. On that point, Kopka's neck and headbands have a natural antibacterial effect and can be expected to have a deodorant effect, so you can use them with confidence.

change shape as you like

If you put it on and shape it around your neck, you can use it as a neck warmer. It has enough vertical width to protect your neck from the cold. Also, if you adjust the width on your head without pulling it down to the neck, it can be quickly transformed into a hair band. Adjust the thickness to your liking by adding twists and wrinkles casually. If you have bangs, you can wear it while showing your hair, or on the contrary, you can raise all your hair and show your forehead. For those who ride bicycles or motorcycles, you can cover your ears to protect yourself from the cold, and for those who are sensitive to the cold or fashionable, you can layer the two colors as a neck warmer.
The extremely simple neck and headband symbolizes the free concept of Kopka, and has the charm of expanding the range of styles, so it can be used as a stylish gift for a close friend, such as a birthday present. it's recommended. Although it is only available in one size, it can also be used by men.

wear according to one's mood

Kopka started in the early 1900s. Mr. Kopka, who had been importing straw hats since around 1914, established a hat maker in 1953 to supply hat materials to hat manufacturers. After that, when I started making soft hats because I wanted to make simple and everyday hats, I caught the attention of hat designers and attracted the attention of boutiques and shops.

In the 1990s, we started our own brand Kopka to introduce hats that can be freely worn according to the style of the user, and that everyone can take in on a daily basis. (Kopka) was started. As the brand name means "wanderer", you can freely change the way you wear it depending on your mood, and without the concept of the correct way to wear it, we continue to make unconventional hats like no other.



  • ネック&ヘッドバンド(ネックウォーマー)YELLOW
  • ネック&ヘッドバンド(ネックウォーマー)BLACK
  • おでこを見せるスタイルも素敵(BLACK)
Size Width: 28cm
Height: 28cm
Weight 95g
Material 100% wool
Country of origin Designed in Germany
Manufactured in Czech
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

Feature of product

  • - Made of soft and warm wool
    - 2WAY specification of hair band and neck warmer




Kopka began in Germany in the early 1900s. The founder has a history of being involved in the import, supply, and manufacturing of hats, and taking advantage of the background of hat manufacturing cultivated over many years, the hat brand, seeking a hat that users can freely wear according to their style. We have started Kopka. As the brand name means "wanderer", you can freely change the way you wear it depending on your mood, and you do not have the concept of correct wearing, and we continue to make unconventional hats like no other. ..

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