If you have enough storage capacity, you can spend it comfortably even in a place with a lot of things, but some people may not be good at tidying up and organizing. Even for such people, it is recommended to stick to the performance of the storage box for easy and neat storage. The Oregonian Camper's camp shuttle is a semi-hard container that can store all the messy camping accessories. Unlike the heart box, the semi-hard body that bends moderately can easily fit into an uneven shape, so it is convenient not only for camping but also indoors for children's toy boxes and stocking of consumables.
Oregonian Camper is a brand that proposes a new perspective that was unlikely, while keeping the materials of the real outdoors. We have outdoor items that can be used not only in special occasions but also in everyday life, in response to changing lifestyles.
Excellent storage and mobility
The Oregonian Camper camp shuttle is a container and camp shuttle that combines the storage and mobility of semi-hardware. When using it for camping purposes, I think that it is often loaded in a car, but at that time, if it is a hard box, the corners will hit and dead space tends to be created. On the other hand, this shuttle bends along with the wall of the luggage compartment, so there is no waste.
In addition, the lid is not attached so it can store things that pop out upwards, and the side panel contains a foam that absorbs shocks, so I am happy that it is safe even in a car that shakes while driving. I think there are many campers who think.
I think that the elements that are appreciated both when camping and indoors are that they are durable and hard to get dirty. The material is TP-700 polyester, which is a durable material, so you can store hard or slightly heavy items without worrying about it, and it seems that you can use it for a long time. Also, since the inside and bottom are coated with PVC, it is resistant to dirt, and even if it gets dirty, it can be easily wiped off, so it is a fun point for those who like cleanliness.
In addition, it has a zipper on the side and can be folded, so it does not take up space when not in use, which is an indispensable element for storage capacity.
This camping shuttle, which is convenient for collecting camping goods, is also recommended as a gift for those who like the outdoors. It's a shuttle with a storage capacity that you can usually use at home, so it might be a good idea to give it as a gift to mothers who struggle to keep things tidy and tidy.
Engineering that supported the American outdoor boom
The American outdoor boom that began in the late 1960s. There was a small factory on the west coast that supported the boom behind the scenes. It's a small factory that undertakes the production of many outdoor brands, and because it was good at wearing 64 (Rokuyon) cloth, it seems that it was also mainly involved in mountain parkas of famous brands. The factory brand born from such a factory is "Oregonian Outfitters". The brand was suspended due to the end of the outdoor boom, but resumed in 2011. Among them, Oregonian Camper develops camping equipment (camping gear).
There are many things that are "unlikely" and "accessible to itchy places", and the tough items backed by the technology that supported the outdoor boom are safe for everyday use and outdoor leisure scenes. You can use it. This brand is recommended not only for those who already have a hobby of camping, but also for those who want to start camping in the future.
Good old America to the present day
Oregonian Camper, a camping gear brand that proposes a new style of camping gear storage based on the concepts of "Smart Packing" and "Smart Camping". It is a brand that revives the good old American outdoor style to the present day while making use of the authentic outdoor materials that have been loved for a long time. You can see how people in Oregon, USA, which is full of rich nature, are using it. The design is not affected by the boom, and the functionality like a tool is highly evaluated.
Size | Bottom: 30×40(cm)
Top: 40×50(cm) Height: 35cm |
Weight | 1086g |
Material | TP-700 POLYESTER |
Country of origin | China |
The mother was a small factory on the west coast of the United States. In the midst of the outdoor boom that began in the late 1960s, while undertaking the production of many outdoor brands, we are also good at 64 (60/40) cloth wear, and the technology is highly evaluated as we mainly deal with famous brand mountain parkas. Was being done.
When the outdoor boom subsided, the factory was temporarily suspended, but we will restart in 2011 by making use of the technology we have cultivated in outdoor products. There were several brands, but the one that developed camping gear (camping equipment) was Oregonian Camper.
Every weekend, the Oregon people who drive to their favorite campsites liked the good old American rugged and nostalgic camping equipment. It is a factory brand with excellent functionality.
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