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How to wear denim beautifully

High-quality feel and attention to detail. URVIN's straight denim pants have a timeless design and a somewhat urban and sophisticated atmosphere. It's comfortable to wear and has a beautiful silhouette, and the more you wear it, the more you'll want to wear it for a long time.

Classy straight denim

Jade UP120301 12oz selvage straight denim OW with a comfortable fit and a beautiful shape that can be worn both casually and neatly. A series of denim pants called Jade made with the concept of handsome and classy denim style for women. With a moderately deep rise, a straight silhouette that is neither too thin nor too thick, and accented with denim-like selvedge, you can enjoy various ways to wear it depending on the arrangement.

Selvage denim is a denim fabric woven using an old-fashioned loom, and is characterized by the "ears" on both ends of the fabric. The low-tension weave, which is unique to old-fashioned power looms, has irregularities in the fabric, allowing you to enjoy a unique rustic texture. The denim is woven slowly, so it feels good on the skin, and it is a fabric that will fit your body shape as you continue to wear it.

OW is a basic indigo color. It's not as cool as black, but it combines a moderately neat atmosphere with casualness.
These straight pants are slightly wide and have just the right amount of room. The silhouette that falls straight down covers the waist and thighs and makes your legs look slender.
The classic combination of a T-shirt and sneakers is perfect for a casual look, or a sweet top for a cute look. It goes well with pumps for an elegant style, and it will be a great addition to your usual outfits.

Urban atmosphere and vintage feeling

The brand name URVIN is a coined word that combines URVAN (urban) + VINTAGE (vintage). Pursuing vintage-like processing and models inspired by old things while maintaining urban silhouettes and designs. Beautiful lines that fit into modern women while valuing the commitment to materials. We aim to be a denim brand that stays close to the dignified women who value high-quality materials and comfort in basic items that are not limited to trends, even after many years.

JAPAN BLUE JEANS, which handles URVIN, was born in Kojima, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, a major production area of ​​Japanese denim. JAPAN BLUE JEANS has been a wholesaler of denim fabrics in a land that has historically prospered as a cotton-growing area. After receiving praise for the denim samples that were produced to promote the fabrics, he gradually turned to establishing his own brand.

As a result of exploring what denim fabric is different from others and what we can do as a Japanese denim fabric manufacturer, We aim to propose world-class "genuine" products made with ultra-low-tech traditional techniques.

Innovation created by low-tech technology

Super low-tech technology means weaving denim fabric using an old-fashioned power loom. In order to weave denim that does not impair the characteristics of the cotton material, fits the body well, and achieves natural and beautiful color fading, it is essential to use an old-fashioned power loom that slows down the weaving speed with as little tension as possible on the thread. JAPAN BLUE JEANS continues to stick to this old-fashioned power loom, which disappeared due to the mass production of denim.

From our backbone as a fabric manufacturer, we research and develop from the combination of high-quality cotton from various countries. We spin original yarns that match the characteristics of cotton from all over the world. We are also particular about the manufacturing process, and we spin the cotton into yarn to bring out the uniqueness of the carefully selected cotton, creating a unique and tasteful texture. Cotton is an agricultural product, and the quality of the cotton is uneven every year.

Jade UP120301 12ozセルヴィッチストレートデニム OW


  • Jade UP120301 12ozセルヴィッチストレートデニム OW
  • Tシャツとのカジュアルなコーデに(24サイズ、身長162cm)
  • Tシャツとのカジュアルなコーデに(25サイズ、身長162cm)
  • ハンサムで品のあるデニムパンツ(25サイズ、身長163cm)
  • 24サイズ、身長162cm
  • 24サイズ、身長162cm
  • 24サイズ、身長162cm
  • 25サイズ、身長162cm
  • 25サイズ、身長162cm
  • 25サイズ、身長162cm
  • 脚にしっくりと馴染む穿き心地
  • そのまま穿いたりロールアップしたり、アレンジ次第で様々な着こなしができます
  • そのまま穿いたりロールアップしたり、アレンジ次第で様々な着こなしができます
  • 穿き込むほどにエイジングが楽しめるデニム
  • 穿き込むほどにエイジングが楽しめるデニム
  • URVINのパッチやブランドタグもポイントに
  • URVINのパッチやブランドタグもポイントに
  • デニムらしいディテールのセルヴィッチ(赤耳)
  • 旧式織機ならではの独特の素朴な風合いが楽しめます
Size24 Waist: 70cm
Thigh width: 28cm
Hip: 104cm
Full length: 102cm
Hem width: 20cm
Rise: 27.5cm
Inseam: 74.5cm
Size guide
Size25 Waist: 74cm
Thigh width: 29.5cm
Hip: 107cm
Full length: 102.5cm
Hem width: 20cm
Rise: 27.5cm
Inseam: 75cm
Weight 627g
Material 100% cotton (partly cowhide)
Country of origin Japan
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

Feature of product

  • - Straight denim pants using selvedge (red ear) denim.
    - A beautiful silhouette that can be worn beautifully with a slightly wide silhouette.
    - Available in two colors: basic indigo and refreshing cool gray. (Please note that there are size differences for each color.)


  • - Due to the nature of dyeing, the color may transfer to other clothing. Please be careful when coordinating with light colors.
    - It may shrink due to the nature of the fabric.

How to care

  • - Liquid temperature can be washed in a washing machine with a limit of 40℃.
    - When washing, turn it inside out and wash separately.
    - Please avoid tumble drying and use of chlorine and oxygen bleach.
    - After washing, adjust the shape and hang to dry in a well-ventilated shade.
    - Iron finish is possible with a bottom temperature of 150℃ as the limit.


<br />自分の個性にフィットする、ジャパンブルーのデニム選び。




URVIN was born from Japan Blue Co.Ltd., a textile manufacturer in Okayama Prefecture, known for providing fabrics to domestic and foreign denim brands. As if wiping out the image of denim's “casual, rugged”, it seeks femininity from making the fabric, creating a beautifully worn adult.
Pursuing vintage-like processing and models inspired by old things, while being urban silhouettes and designs. A beautiful line that is feminine in the present age while valuing the commitment to materials. We are aiming to be a denim brand that will stay close to you regardless of how many years it has been, for women who are obsessed with trends, and who are obsessed with high-quality materials and comfort.

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