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Akebi baskets are very popular at ZUTTO. In the summer, I feel like I want to enjoy summer events with a dress or yukata. This year, the staff actually visited Miyamoto Kogei in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, and was able to introduce the baskets that fell in love at first sight. Due to the small number of producers, we will introduce a small amount, but we have made it easy to use with a bespoke design. With its small size and slightly different atmosphere, this item is also recommended for those who are already using Akebi baskets.

A cute basket made by an apple farmer

The [Bespoke] Akebi Basket 7cm Do Harizumi Knitted Basket introduced this time is a 7 cm bespoke basket that is slightly smaller than the 9cm Do Harizumi Knitted Basket that was on the shelf of Miyamoto Kogei. With a dignified atmosphere, curves and straight lines are exquisite. It has a round shape and is cute anyway. Even if you put it on your lap on the train, there is no stress, and it has become a bag that makes you feel happy. Because it is a beautiful craft, it can be used as a bag all year round, but in the summer, it is a basket that you should definitely bring to a yukata or a summer festival.

This basket comes with a leather handle cover that emphasizes fit and expands the range of coverage. The basket is designed to be easy to hold so that your hands won't hurt when you lift heavy objects, and your elbow won't hurt when you hold it on your elbow. It is a handle with a wide coverage and a good fit.

Akebi's basket bag has a deep color, so it goes well with autumn and winter outfits, and has a gentle atmosphere where you can feel the warmth of the material. The more you use it, the deeper the color and the more lustrous the Akebi basket will become.

A lifelong bag born from everyday tools

"Baskets" were originally created as "tools for daily life" such as storage and storage of agricultural tools. A firm weave and durability that does not lose its shape were essential elements. Time has passed, and even now basket bags are loved by women as a fashion item, but craftsmen have inherited the former "hardness to break" and "durability".

Miyamoto Kogei's Akebi baskets are made entirely by hand without relying on machines. Due to changes in the natural system, the amount of akebi vines that can be harvested has decreased year by year, and it is said that they have become a very valuable material. As the materials are precious, the number of baskets that can be made is decreasing year by year, and there is also a shortage of craftsmen with advanced skills. Akebi's baskets, which are carefully crafted with skillful handwork and time, are gems that are packed with the craftsman's thoughts. A basket bag that you want to use for a long time should always be by your side, and it should be something you want to spend together from now on.

【別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付き


  • 【別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付き
  • 【別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付き
  • 【別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付き
  • 【別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付き
  • 【別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付き
  • きりりとしたかご
  • 横から見ると少し張っているのが分かります
  • 曲線と直線が絶妙なデザイン
  • 底面も丁寧な編み
  • 持ち手
  • 宮本工芸らしい丈夫な持ち手
  • 特注のレザーハンドルはフィット感抜群
  • デニムやワンピースに(身長162cm)
  • 長めのハンドル
  • ちょうどいいサイズ感に(身長162cm)
  • 夏は浴衣やワンピースに(身長162cm)
  • 荷物を入れた様子
  • 水筒などは小さめのものを選んで
  • 荷物を入れた様子
  • 中が見やすいけれど、少しすぼまったバッグの入れ口
  • 身長162cm
  • 身長162cm
  • ころんとしていて可愛らしい(身長162cm)
サイズ 幅約25.5×高さ約17×奥行き約12.5(cm)
重量 約302g
素材 あけび
生産国 日本(青森県)


  • ◇ハンドメイドされた植物製のかごです。形、サイズも多少のばらつきがございます。


  • ◇通気の良い場所で、乾燥剤などを入れることをおすすめします。


  • ◇シーズンオフなどは、汚れをきれいに拭き取り保管ください。


  • ZUTTOだけの別注あけびのかごが登場しました。


  • ▼事前に必ず以下をご確認ください。




In 1920, MIYAMOTO KOUGEI was founded in Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture. The brand produces handmade Akebia bag for a long time. You can see not only the attractiveness of natural material but also the valuable skills of Japanese artisans that are gradually being lost. Akebia is getting very valuable every year, and the number of collection decreases. It is the product that we want to keep using for a long time.

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商品 価格(税込) 在庫 個数

BESPOKE AKEBI BASKET(Scheduled to ship in August)



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【予約/別注】あけびのかご 7寸胴張畝編み レザーハンドル付きには、他にもこんな仲間がいます。
