As the sun begins to set and the area becomes dark, the flickering flames and crackling sounds of a bonfire will soothe you. It is also the real pleasure of camping.
When starting a bonfire, it goes without saying that you need to have the outdoor gear you need for camping, but what you also want to remember is clothing and accessories that are fireproof. If you don't choose the right material, the flying sparks will burn your clothes and bags, leaving holes in them, so you'll want to be sure to prepare all the clothing and accessories you'll be wearing. NANGA's Hinoko Sacoche is a sacoche made of flame-retardant material that is resistant to sparks.
Having said that, this sacoche is a convenient shoulder bag that we recommend for everyday use. The reason for this is its high storage capacity.
For example, when you go out in the summer, you may want to carry your own hydration bottle and items to protect yourself from UV rays and air conditioning, so you may end up carrying more luggage than in the winter. I searched for something larger and ended up finding NANGA's Hinoko Sacoche, which has many pockets on the inside and outside, making it suitable for storing small items and for everyday use. Smartphone, wallet, key case, sunglasses, handkerchief, tissue, my bottle. NANGA's Hinoko Sacoche has a spacious storage capacity that makes you think it's a waste to just use it outdoors.
NANGA standard material
As the name suggests, the material used is HINOC, which is a well-balanced mixture of NANGA's original aramid fiber and polyester. It has flame retardant properties that make it difficult to catch fire sparks from a bonfire, and it is a durable fabric that is relatively resistant to water and dirt, which is considered weak for flame retardant materials, so it is safe for outdoor activities such as camping.
There are four pockets on the front, two wide pockets and two slim pockets. When outdoors, I often need to quickly access things, so the open pockets are located in easy-to-access locations, and the different sizes make it easy to use. It has shoulder pads, so it won't put any strain on your shoulders even if you wear it for a long time. They are not only useful for outdoor activities, but also for everyday use and as travel bags.
The shoulder cord can be adjusted in length, making this sacoche easy to use for both men and women. NANGA's Hinoko Sacoche has a basic design and is highly functional, and is recommended as a birthday gift for outdoor enthusiasts or for Father's Day. For fathers who are raising children or whose hobby is walking, a sacoche that can hold all the necessary items is a great gift that will come in handy in your daily life.
High peaks of the Himalayas continue to challenge to overcome difficulties
NANGA's predecessor was Yokota Seishi, which was founded in 1941 and manufactured kotatsu futons and mattresses. In the 1960s, the company changed its name to Nanga in order to continue manufacturing in Japan, and became known not only to Japan but also to mountaineers around the world as a manufacturer of sleeping bags and down using high-quality down. NANGA is Nanga Palpat, the ninth highest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas, at an altitude of 8,125m. It is known that it is very difficult to climb and many people have lost their lives to the top, but the reason behind choosing the name of the mountain as the brand name is the strong will to continue to take on the challenge of overcoming the most difficult conditions. there is.
The philosophy of manufacturing is honesty, simplicity and robustness. We are so particular about the safety and quality of our feathers that we even offer a lifetime warranty on our sleeping bags. We hope that the down jackets and sleeping bags we make will feel safe, secure, and comfortable for everyone who uses them.
Size | Width: 28cm
Height: 20.5cm Depth: 4cm |
Weight | 148g |
Material | Outer fabric: polyester, aramid fiber mixture
Lining fabric: 100% polyester |
Country of origin | Japan |
Gift box | Gift box is not available for this product. |
NANGA is the predecessor of Yokota Sewing, which was founded in 1941 and manufactured kotatsu futons and mattresses.
In the 1960s, the company name was changed to Nanga in order to continue manufacturing in Japan, and it will become known not only to mountaineers in Japan but also to mountaineers all over the world as a sleeping bag and down maker using high-grade down.
The idea of making itself is sincere, simple and strong. Thorough attention is paid to the safety and quality of feathers, and the product has a lifetime warranty. We hope that the down jackets and down jackets we make will feel safe, secure and comfortable for everyone who loves them.
商品 | 価格(税込) | 在庫 | 個数 | |
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¥11,000(税込) |
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