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Don't panic even in sudden rain

A sacoche that is lightweight, not bulky, and comfortable enough to keep both hands free. It is an excellent item that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for outdoor activities, festivals, leisure activities, and walking around town while traveling. We want such an everyday companion to be active even on rainy days.
Introducing NANGA's Aurora Sacoche, which can withstand the rain. As the name suggests, this is a waterproof sacoche that uses the brand's original waterproof and breathable material "Aurora Tex®". Auroratex® is a nylon fabric that has been specially treated with a porous polyurethane waterproof coating. This is a highly functional material that solves the problem that increasing waterproofness reduces the ability to release steam trapped inside clothing to the outside. Not only the fabric but also the zipper is waterproof, so you can use it stress-free without worrying about the weather.

It's simple so you'll want to use it every day

Most sacoches are slim and cannot fit much luggage, but this sacoche is compatible with A5 size and is large enough for long wallets, 500ml plastic bottles, paperback books, etc. The inside has a pocket with a partition, so you can store small items such as IC cases and lipsticks.

The front is equipped with a daisy chain that allows you to attach accessories such as carabiners. It's a design accent, but it's also very practical, allowing you to hang sunglasses and attach frequently used items such as lights, keys, and eco bags. It's a great design that saves you the hassle of finding your keys at the front door, putting your sunglasses in and out of their cases, and other everyday hassles.

Also, the Aurora Sacoche is useful for both town use and outdoor activities, and we also recommend it as a birthday gift for people who have active hobbies such as traveling, camping, and fishing. A water-resistant bag that can securely hold all your belongings will make a great gift that will come in handy in your daily life.

High peaks of the Himalayas continue to challenge to overcome difficulties

NANGA was founded in 1941, and its predecessor was Yokota Seishi, which manufactured kotatsu futons and mattresses. In the 1960s, the company changed its name to Nanga in order to continue manufacturing in Japan, and became known not only to Japan but also to mountaineers around the world as a manufacturer of sleeping bags and down using high-quality down. NANGA is the ninth highest mountain in the world, Nanga Palpat, located in the Himalayas and has an altitude of 8,125m. It is known that it is very difficult to climb and many people have lost their lives to the top, but the reason behind choosing the name of the mountain as the brand name is the strong will to continue to take on the challenge of overcoming the most difficult conditions. there is.

The philosophy of manufacturing is honesty, simplicity and robustness. We are so particular about the safety and quality of our feathers that we even offer a lifetime warranty on our sleeping bags. We hope that the down jackets and sleeping bags we make will feel safe, secure, and comfortable for everyone who uses them.



  • オーロラサコッシュ(COYOTE)
  • オーロラサコッシュ(KHA)
  • オーロラサコッシュ(IVORY)
  • COYOTE・身長162cm
  • COYOTE・身長162cm
  • COYOTE・身長162cm
  • KHA・身長162cm
  • KHA・身長162cm
  • KHA・身長162cm
  • IVORY・身長162cm
  • IVORY・身長162cm
  • IVORY・身長162cm
  • 500mlペットボトルも入る程よいサイズ感(COYOTE)
  • オーロラサコッシュ(KHA)
  • 500mlペットボトルも入る程よいサイズ感(COYOTE)
  • 止水仕様のファスナー(KHA)
  • 長さ調節のしやすいショルダー(KHA)
  • カラビナなどアクセサリーを取り付けられるデイジーチェーン(KHA)
  • 仕切り付きの内ポケット(KHA)
  • 500mlペットボトルも入る程よいサイズ感(KHA)
  • ブランドロゴ(KHA)
  • カラビナなどアクセサリーを取り付けられるデイジーチェーン(IVORY)
  • カラビナなどアクセサリーを取り付けられるデイジーチェーン(IVORY)
  • デイジーチェーンにサングラスを引っ掛けて(KHA・身長162cm)
  • デイジーチェーンにサングラスを引っ掛けて(COYOTE)
  • ブランドのロゴがアクセントに(IVORY)
  • IVORY・身長162cm
Size Width: 30cm
Depth: 4cm
Height: 20cm
Shoulder: 72-125cm
Weight 121g
Material Outer material: Auroratex®
Lining: 100% polyester
Country of origin Japan
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

Feature of product

  • - A waterproof sacoche made with the brand's original waterproof and breathable material "Aurora Tex®".
    - The zipper is also waterproof.
    - Comes with a daisy chain for attaching accessories such as carabiners.




NANGA is the predecessor of Yokota Sewing, which was founded in 1941 and manufactured kotatsu futons and mattresses.
In the 1960s, the company name was changed to Nanga in order to continue manufacturing in Japan, and it will become known not only to mountaineers in Japan but also to mountaineers all over the world as a sleeping bag and down maker using high-grade down.
The idea of ​​making itself is sincere, simple and strong. Thorough attention is paid to the safety and quality of feathers, and the product has a lifetime warranty. We hope that the down jackets and down jackets we make will feel safe, secure and comfortable for everyone who loves them.

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