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Bringing the beauty of copper to the interior

A wall clock that you see many times a day. There are various tools for checking the time, such as mobile phones and personal computers, but the presence that always stands quietly on the wall of the living room or study room gives us a sense of security. At first glance, the wall clock made by Riki Watanabe, who is known as one of Japan's leading product designers, has a standard design, but we are very particular about the size and balance of the numbers, and we pursued that they are familiar with everyday life and that anyone can easily see the numbers. It is a clock.

The commitment hidden behind simplicity

Riki Watanabe has always considered the people who use it, from large interiors such as furniture to small products such as wristwatches. Among them, the clock is regarded as the most familiar instrument that accurately conveys the invisible flow of life, and we have designed it as a life work by thinking about how to make this instrument closer to the user. It is an item.

A copper clock that uses a copper plate for the frame is a clock made to commemorate Mr. Riki Watanabe's 100 years old. It is a product that combines two types of wall clocks and table clocks, which Mr. Watanabe is said to have loved most, and copper, a material that Mr. Watanabe has carefully used. Since he first brought a bare copper plate to the interior design of the Keio Plaza Hotel main bar, Bryan, his attachment to copper has deepened, and he has been exploring the possibilities of clock design through numerous trials.

Pure copper is used for copper watches to express the beauty of the material. If left as it is, it will turn black immediately, but the copper surface is clear-painted to keep it in the initial condition as much as possible. However, there are innumerable pinholes that cannot be seen in metal, and they may chemically change with the slightly accumulated water in them, resulting in black spots, which is also unique to copper. Please enjoy it as a change.

Copper watches come in two sizes. The small clock is a table clock whose three-dimensional characters made by integral molding create beautiful shadows. Just the right size to put on your bedside or work desk. Riki Clock is a wall clock with a light design that emphasizes the most basic visibility of a clock. A copper watch that shines brilliantly in an interior that tends to be based on wood, where you can rediscover the beauty of the material copper. It's a gorgeous item, so it's great for moving celebrations and birthday gifts.

Industrial design master

Designer Riki Watanabe was a pioneer who brought about innovation in the early days of postwar Japanese design.
In the 1940s, when design wasn't commonplace, he created a number of masterpieces that designed the origins and functions of design. The design of watches is a lifework for Riki Watanabe, and based on the design base that the appearance must be light no matter how thick letters and hands are used, many watches that are loved over time have been produced.
In addition, in modern times, we often touch the design of Watanabe Riki in our daily lives, and in addition to watches, we have also been involved in many product designs in service facilities such as hotel interiors, chairs, furniture, and public places. It was.

"Interior design can well enter the world of" fiction "like stage sets. However, the space and time created by the stage and the actors must be something that the audience has overcome the fiction. The fiction can be seen. 』\ Riki Watanabe, a designer proud of Japan who left these words. I feel that Riki Watanabe's "Riki" sign and passion for design are firmly engraved on the items of Riki Watanabe, which was designed by a designer who has been active all his life until he passed away at the age of 101.



  • 銅の時計(リキクロック)
  • 銅の時計(小さな時計)
  • 背面(リキクロック)
  • 背面(小さな時計)
  • サイズイメージ(リキクロック)
  • サイズイメージ(小さな時計)
  • リキクロック
  • フレームは変化が感じられる銅板
  • クリア塗装が施された純銅を使用
  • 電池式
  • 使用イメージ(リキクロック)
  • 使用イメージ(小さな時計)
  • 箱
サイズ リキクロック:直径約20.4×奥行き約6(cm)
小さな時計: 直径約12.2×奥行き約7.2(cm)
重量 リキクロック:約570g
素材 純銅、ABS樹脂、ガラス
仕様 ・リキクロック

生産国 日本


  • ◇商品の入荷時期によってパッケージの仕様が異なる場合がございます。




Mr. Watanabe was born in Tokyo in 1911.
After graduating from the Tokyo Higher Polytechnic School and the Wood Crafts Department, Riki Watanabe worked as an assistant professor at his alma mater and then became an assistant forestry subject at the Tokyo Imperial University (currently the University of Tokyo).
After the world war II, he became a freelance designer and attracted attention from both home and abroad with the “string chair” announced in 1951.
In 1957, "Triis Tool", which is a representative work, won the Compassodolo Award at the Milan Triennale. In addition, he is one of the leading designers in Japan and has won numerous awards, including the New Architecture Award of the New Production Association Exhibition, the Gold Prize of the Milan Triennale Exhibition, the Minister of International Trade and Industry Award, the Mainichi Industrial Design Award, and the Good Design Award. In addition to starting with the former Tokyo Hilton Hotel, he worked on over a dozen hotels and was deeply involved in the establishment of the Japan Design Committee, JIDA, Craft Center Japan, Tokyo Zokei University, and interior design departments.

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