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Studio Aizawa

Studio Aizawa

Stick to high quality manufacturing

Kobo Aizawa, located in Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan's number one stainless steel processing production area, was founded in 1918. By pursuing ease of use as a tool, we are making high-quality and polite products so that we can use durable stainless steel products for a long time. Even if it takes time to make things, Kobo Aizawa, who values ​​the manual work by the craftsmen, values ​​the finish of the last two steps (polishing, processing of the edges of the lunch box) to make the lunch box, and it feels good to the touch. It is easy to use and we are particular about the beauty of its appearance. We will remove the decorativeness and pursue a beautiful design that is easy to use. Kobo Aizawa's sincere manufacturing and technology are highly evaluated as tools that make use of traditional Japanese crafts.

Studio Aizawa取扱商品一覧
